Harawak Territory
Enova is comprised of four territories: Harawak, Lutrenia, Kiva and Zantumay. Although the territories are civil and cooperate with each other, and all of them operate under laws decreed by the Sekai Council, each one has a unique people, culture, industry and landscape. Here is an article from a the "Envoa Encyclopedia" about Harawak Territory.
Logan the Tenderfoot is adopted by a Harawak family. Governor Jolon and his first wife, Fala, are his Enovian parents.
Click here: Harawak Pinterest Page to see pictures of how I see the Harawak landscape, the people, clothing, homes, industry, etc.
Harawak Territory

Square miles: 759,431
Population: 12,541
Physical description of the Harawak people
The Harawak people are the tallest Enovians. For men, the average height is between 6’6” and 7’2”. For women, the average height is between 6’0” and 6’5”. They’re lanky and thin, like stalks of grain, but strong from hard, physical labor on their farms. They have light brown hair with soft waves, the color and motion of the fields they harvest.
Nutrients in the water they drink, combined with the minerals in their soil, cause strands of metallic gold to grow in their hair, creating highlights that glimmer in the sun. Women wear their hair very long, growing it to their waists if they can. Men keep their hair very short.
The combination of nutrients in the water and minerals in the soil, also causes the Harawak’s green eyes to sparkle like emeralds. Their eyes are almond shaped, and typically small from a thousand years of squinting in the sun .
Marriage and family
In the first decade after the Great Collapse, the Harawak adopted the practice of polygamy to quickly grow their sparse population, which had dwindled to only two hundred, sixty-five people. One Harawak man, may legally marry up to seven different women, as long as he provides proof he can support each one. For each wife, a man must own at least twenty acres, ten mzoos and five kerny birds. He also must show he can provide each wife her own bedroom, plus enough bedrooms to hold an estimated six children per wife.
Most Harawak men work in the farming industry or land management. About a quarter of the men are employed by ComTrans, and ship food to all Enovian territories.
Just 1% of male population work as parsons, physicians, medics, engineers or teachers.
Women are caretakers of the home and children. However, with such large families to support, wives are often encouraged to participate in “cottage industries”. Some take in extra ironing, sewing, or sell baked goods and other crafts to neighbors.
Children are given responsibility around the farm from a very young age. Even children as young as two, are assigned tasks like collecting eggs from the kerny bird coops. The older the child gets, the more they are expected to do.
Children are considered adults at the age of sixteen. The average age for men to marry, their first wife, is eighteen. Typical marriage age for women, is sixteen. Men can marry wives, up to seven, until they are twenty-three years old. After twenty-three, if a man wants to take another wife, she must be no more than five years younger than he is at the time of the marriage, and she must not be a widow. A man can only take a widow as a wife “In Name Only”.
Wives “In Name Only”, are widows who men take as wives, but only to provide for them and their children. Often when a married man dies, one of his brothers will marry his wife or wives “In Name Only”. Sexual relations in these unions are considered adultery and forbidden. If there is proof of sexual relations, such as a child resulting from such a marriage, the husband is fined up to a quarter of his land, half of his yearly Virium rations, and/or imprisoned for thirty days. The marriage is dissolved; all children are split up between the households of the husband’s regular wives. A wife “In Name Only”, who is caught having sexual relations with her husband, is shunned. She gives up all claims to her home, belongings and her children. She's made a ward of the Elders. They provide a meager shelter, and sustenance, for the remainder of her days.
There is no concept of divorce in the Harawak culture. There isn’t even a word for it in their language.
From ages six to twelve, children attend school four hours a day, five days a week. They attend school year round, however during the main planting month, and the two harvest months, the school day is shortened to two hours.
Each village has at least, one, single room schoolhouse for the first level of education. All of the teachers are older men and women. Those who have raised their children, and cannot participate in hard labor they way they used to, but still want to contribute to society.
From ages thirteen to sixteen, only boys continue in formal schooling. All of the teachers at this level are older males. Boys attend classes for two hours a day, five days a week, and then work as apprenticess on a farm, blacksmith shop, tannery, or in a shipping warehouse the rest of the day.
A very few young men, are chosen by their teachers for higher education. One out of every twenty boys, are sent to attend the Medical University in Kiva, the Seminary in Lutrenia, the Teacher’s College in Harawak, or the School of Engineering in Zantumay.
Girls, from ages thirteen to sixteen, are taught by their mothers, and other neighbor women about cooking, canning, gardening, infant and childcare, sewing, laundry and cleaning a home. There is a required reading list all girls must complete before age sixteen. All of the books about are the duties of a wife or spiritual life.
A very few young women, one or two in a hundred, are selected to apprentice with midwives. The position of midwife, is only considered for girls who the Elders deem unlikely to marry.
The Governor appoints two men to serve on the Sekai Council. Harawak is the only territory that appoints council representatives. All other territories, elect their two Sekai reps. Governors are elected by popular vote and serve a term of seven years. There is no limit to how many terms a Governor can serve. Only men can vote in any election.
Once a Governor is elected, he chooses a man to serve as his Lieutenant Governor, and a cabinet of four male advisors. If the Governor is elected to a new term at the end of seven years, he can choose a new Lieutenant Governor and new advisors.
The population is divided up into seven different villages. Each village has a mayor. Only a man can serve as mayor. They are elected by the men of the village, and serve a three-year term. There is no limit to how many terms a mayor can serve.
Currency and Commerce
The Harawak use the same currency as all the other territories: trade of goods or services, or Virium rations.
The majority of food for all Enovian territories is grown in Harawak. Most jobs center in or around the farming industry. The second biggest industry is the packaging and transportation of the food. Harawak is allotted extra Virium rations, from the Sekai Council, to run canning and packaging plants. Extra rations are also given for faster ComTrans trains, so perishable food gets to its destination before it spoils.
Harawak is located on the largest continent in Enova. On land, it’s bordered by Lutrenia and the Disputed Territory (formerly known as Jotune Territory). It’s boarders also reach four different bodies of water: The Pacui Ocean and the Talmor Ocean, the Wesa Straight and the Naotak Channel. Two mountain ranges grace their landscape. The Yenha Mountains in the northwest, and the Arum Mountains in the southeast. Harawak is also home to the Chandy desert, located in the southwest.
Harawak is comprised mostly prairie land with a few patches of wooded areas. Its flat, with lots of sun and rich fertile soil, which makes the territory ideal for farming.
Harawak enjoys warm summers, generally dry winters, moderate humidity and plenty of sunshine.
Early evening thunderstorms are common in late-spring and summer, especially central and eastern parts of the territory. Tornados strike on a regular basis in the central part in summer and fall.
The coldest month, averages high temperatures in the low 30s. The warmest month, averages high temperatures near 90 degrees; hotter summers and colder winters are not uncommon.
Annual precipitation amounts range from 20 to 30 inches in the central and eastern parts of the territory, while the southwest has much drier conditions. Six to eight inches of snowfall in the northeastern areas is common every winter.